Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Week 10: I wonder if Mats thinks a Taco is a Sandwich?

With Spring Break over, we had to finally return to real life. Only for a bit though, as next week is going to be the France excursion. It feels so weird that we keep going from big thing to big thing, with sudden returns to the routine in between. However, one big thing that happened this week was the return of our savior Mats. Maybe that’s a bit of a hyperbole but, it’s been different since he left and things have been, or at least have seemed, better since he’s returned. When he came back, we had a cake to give him and a poem “we” created (aka Josh wrote). I was a nice little “welcome back” and I hope he enjoyed it. 

Unrelated to the program entirely, I found a “character alignment” style chart depicting various opinions of what does and doesn’t classify as a sandwich. I am definitely an ingredient rebel but I can’t tell if I’m a structural neutral or rebel. I kind of want to be both rebel just so I can have the opinion that a pop tart is a sandwich. 

More work on the DHF was due today and, as always, all the documentation rots my brain. I don’t know how people can manage all the tiny details and keep writing these... boring, boring pages. I respect the engineers that have been just chugging along at this. I can’t do it anywhere as well as they seem to be able to. I’d be in a lot of trouble if I didn’t have someone like Josh in my group, who seems not to struggle too much with it. Many thanks to him and Sean, who have both put in a lot of effort into the file. 

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