Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Week 13

Week 13: April 8-14
I woke up SORE!!! I crashed after the marathon and slept really well, but the next morning when I got out of bed, I almost fell over. My legs were not ready for all that! One of the most important things to work on this week is the Enmodes project. Next week it the big finale, so we had a meeting in Aachen on Tuesday to get feedback on any necessary changes before the big day. Enmodes seemed to like all the ideas from each group, so that was really encouraging. It was especially cool when we brought a novel solution them (or so we thought) and their response was "you know, we're working on something very similar at the moment." It was really validating that our ideas were as good as the current ones they are using to solve the same problems. It made me think that we all might actually be well prepared for real world situations, like having a grown job such as Enmodes. So for the rest of the week, we're perfecting our ideas and starting a draft of our final presentation. Other classes were pretty standard for the week, not too bad or too full, so that was nice. The weather lately has been amazing! We spend almost every day at lunch out in the Hoftgarten soaking up the sun. It's getting me really excited to go home to the Texas heat! Even though that's a whole 'nother story… ask me how I'm feeling in about 3 weeks, lol. The weekend didn't include any travel unfortunately, just because I needed to get ahead on everything this next week is throwing at me: a full 3 days of Enmodes, the Genetics exam in the middle of all that, and the extra credit essay that’s due at the end of the week. Wish me luck!

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