Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Week 14

On Monday, we got to learn the Alexander Technique in History of Medicine. It was a lot different than how I expected it to be. I was expecting more adjustments and examples of how to hold your body, but it was more of an awareness of your body that she was teaching. For those who volunteered to be critiqued/corrected, it seemed like they were more confident in how they delivered their speeches, so who knows, maybe there really is something to it after all. Then came Enmodes Hell. We spent all day on Tuesday and Wednesday working tirelessly on the project. We were here super late both nights - I think midnight and then 2 am. But it was all worth it in the end, because once again, the Enmodes team was very impressed with the solutions we presented. It was really cool to dress up and give a big professional presentation and then celebrate afterward with champagne. It definitely felt like real grown up stuff! The Genetics exam was in the middle of all that unfortunately, so that was really stressful. Though I prepared for the exam, my focus was on Enmodes, and that really affected my grade. It was the lowest exam score I've gotten all semester, but I think I will still be able to pull out with an A… we'll see. Especially because of the extra credit essay - which I may or may not have written at 4 Am while on vacation in Berlin… the world may never know! But BERLIN!!! WAS SO COOL!!!!!! I can't believe I waited this long in the program (or in my life) to go to Berlin! We saw a loooooot of museums, and hung out all around the city. The group of us who went were all really excited and had a fun time. We did the museums, saw the sights, went dancing, enjoyed being executive platinum members of the Marriott for a weekend, and overall just had a really great time! I almost forgot it was Easter weekend! But I was quickly reminded when I wanted to go shopping on Monday and everything was closed. I had intended to find a dress for graduation - cause how cool would it be to say I got my dress from Berlin? But no luck, and I'll just have to keep searching… stay tuned to find out if I ever do find one….!

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