Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Week 13: Charity, Cheering, and... Chpresenting

Alright. We had our first real presentation meeting with Enmodes this week. We went all the way to Aachen in the morning and made a stop at the Helmholtz museum (I think that was the name) and saw the evolution of the RAS-Q system and the technologies that went into its development. It was really informative and helped me understand how exactly some of the components functioned, as well as giving us specific numbers we could work with for the limits of the device. After that, we went to their office (I think) and gave our presentation. They seemed to really like it and only really had questions on the slides relating to specifics on one or two slides. All in all, a successful meeting. 

On the previous weekend, we had the charity day and the Bonn marathon. The fact that these were both so close together and basically took up the whole weekend made for a fairly unproductive time. I was planning on doing a day trip with Madyson and Ana on the day of the marathon because none of us were going to be running. But in the end, I decided to stay at the AIB and give moral support (though I ended up falling asleep at some point and completely missing the end of the marathon. Whoops). It was a really fun day and I got almost none of the math homework I set out to do done. But the cheering I did manage was pretty fun. 

With the charity day, we met with members of other programs and our group went to a kindergarten and replaced the old sand in the playground with fresh sand. They actually told us to slow down because we were getting the work done really agate at first. The food was pretty good when we did end up taking breaks. After food though, we slowed down a lot. I made friends with a number of students from the LMU Science program and a few new friends from the TAMU Visualization program, as well as meeting up with a couple people I already knew in Viz. We bonded over the repetitive work and ended up going to Cologne later that day to watch the band some of the student workers were in. I have to say, it was really good. I really enjoyed their music and I hope I get to hear it again later. 

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