Friday, May 3, 2019

Doomsday Preppers

Easter weekend has come to a close, and finals are nearly upon us. This was our last full week of classes, with some extra stuff sprinkled in. Tuesday was a normal day of classes, but afterwards we watched the second episode of the new Game of Thrones season, and had muster later that night. I hadn't planned on going to muster at first, but I was still at school when it was about to start, and I signed up at the last minute. Muster is one of the best traditions that A&M has to offer, so I'm glad I was able to make it for the second year in a row. It wasn't a traditional muster, because not many Aggies live in Germany, but my friend that led it did a very good job. That night, we also got the chance to see Avengers Endgame at a midnight premiere. In America, the movie wouldn't release until Thursday, so I got to see the biggest premiere of my generation and then promptly rub it in my friends' face. It's a 3 hour movie though, so I had to call a cab to get home. The next day held a double block math tutorial, which should be illegal, but it was necessary to prepare for our final next week. Thursday we took a trip to Bingen and Andernach, for history of medicine purposes. We checked out museums in each city, and both cities were right alongside the Rhine, which made for good views. Overall though, I think I would've rather spent my time studying. I feel weird saying that, because traveling to different cities is always better than schoolwork, but with four? tests the next week, I wanted to get a head start, and the excursion wasn't all that much fun. Friday was a normal day, but it was also the beginning of the end.

That's dramatic, but the coming week is still going to be stressful. Monday night is The Battle of Winterfell, and everyone is going to die, Tuesday is a physiology exam, Wednesday is the math final, Thursday is the physiology final, and Friday the signals and systems final is due. Usually I like finals week, but usually I don't have this many exams in such close proximity to each other. So in order to prepare for all that, I spent almost all of my weekend at AIB, studying for physiology and doing math homework. I ended up catching my night bus several times instead of my normal train, but I was going to be prepared for these tests. I'm not as stressed about getting A's as I've been in the past, but I am trying to do well. This coming week is going to be a tough one, for multiple reasons, but I'll get through it.

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