Friday, June 28, 2013

Return to Texas

It's said that you don't truly appreciate something until it's taken away from you.  This summer I've been discovering the other side of that phrase: you appreciate things a lot once you have them back.  I will never look either public transportation or driving around the same again, and always get a huge burst of happiness when the Texas sun hits my face.  I've even learned to appreciate things that Germany does better than the US.  Both when I left and returned, there were things that improved and things that got worse.  But in either case I've realized something else, even if I prefer a detail or two more in Europe, Texas is my home.  I hope to travel again in the future to share that experience with more people, but at the end of the day this is where I belong.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Back to Reality

So I've been back in Texas for about a month now and this heat is terrible! It's been nice seeing all the friends that I left back in January but summer school is not my cup of tea.
I experienced so much while I was over in Germany and I'm so thankful for all the people that I met who made a lasting impression on me. It's crazy how I was gone for all those months and nothing has changed here at all. It's definitely been a harsh reality check that I wasn't expecting. I knew that it would be strange coming home although I didn't think that I would experience so many emotions running through me. I've had to reevaluate different aspects of how I lived before I left and it's been tough adjusting.
I'm still getting into the swing of things with summer and catching up on all the things that I've missed.
But one thing is for sure, I seriously miss Bonn. That city will always have a special place in my heart.
I'll definitely have to make a trip back soon and visit some other countries that I never made it to.

I feel content for the time being here in Texas. But I know that I'll have the urge to travel again and get out of this state that I call home.
I saw a quote recently that I agree with that says, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." I still have a lot of discovering to do for myself before I start getting serious with my career after college (whatever that may be). Hopefully I won't forget this and I'll start off on the right foot to achieve this for myself.

Welp, that's all for now because I've got some more studying to do.
Adios ya'll.