Thursday, May 10, 2018

Raphael to the RAS-Q || April 12, 2018

Welcome to Enmodes Week. We had classes sprinkled in throughout the week but generally no homework to work on, just lots and lots of working on Enmodes. And lots and lots of ping pong. Seriously, ping pong may just be the best stress relief in the world.

If I haven't said in the blogs already, Enmodes is the company we've been working for all semester. They're a biomedical device company but I can't say much about what we were working on all this time because we signed a nondisclosure. My group (Team Raphael) was relatively well prepared for our presentation going into the week so although we did do quite a bit of work, I never had to do anything outside of the time blocked off for us at school, so this week was actually a really nice break work wise. That being said, it was still rather stressful because I absolutely hate presentations. I always get frazzled and trip over my words and just knowing that is what trips me up in the first place. We spent much of Wednesday and Thursday solidifying what we were going to say in our presentation though, so overall I was ready when Friday came along. And once it was all said and done, I think we all left with a heightened sense of pride. We spent all semester developing something and we finally were able to present all of the work we'd put in and get some good positive feedback on our ideas as well as our efforts. Plus, it was a relief to not have to worry about it anymore.

Other events of the week (although now that I look at it, I think many of these occurred a different week, not quite sure, whoops!)
  • Rooftop adventures and Mean Girls (I get it! I get it!)
  • Gals night ft pfannkucken and cookies. And vines. THESE ARE MY CHANCLAS
  • Another transportation strike??
  • Trying out the game in the haribo store (and sucking at it)
  • Registration for the fall semester

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