Time was
ticketing, as every hour passed, every minute and second led to this feeling of
uncontrollable sadness. (*cue in the ARMMSSS of an ANGELLLL) This feeling stemmed
from the fact that I only had two weeks left in BONN! How did time fly by? I
was determined to make these last two weeks in Bonn last forever. We had the most beautiful weather, leading to
a perfect April 25. April 25 is the perfect date because its not too hot, not
too cold all you need is a light jacket. I bought gelato every day, went to the beer
garden, and had endless amount of picnics. But oppositely of this beautiful time,
I wanted the weeks to end quickly because it was the SEASON of FINALS!!
Although they were supposed to be less gruesome than the ones in College
Station. I still prepared as my life dependent on it. Many people went to Switzerland,
Berlin, and anywhere before our final week (lol get it FINALS). But I stayed in
Bonn and looked finals head on with no fear. At the end, I wish that I would
have left but that’s okay. On Saturday I went to the flea market with my host
family and Brynn. We ate gyros, found old books, and bought Birkenstocks. Then
ended my day with the beloved Peter Essen, and of course Physiology. Sunday
came only for me to study more, I’ve determined studying is like annoying ex.
Always there and never wanted.
Highlight of the
week was: The beloved three hour sauna lecture! I love Saunas but not as much a
doctor Wasser. All I got to say is baby Break a Sweat!
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