This week is bittersweet. We return back to the United States. Yikes! I'm ready but I'm not ready.
Monday was the Rhine cruise. It was definitely not the weather I was hoping for. We had out history of medicine final on the boat and it was so funny to watch everyone in excitement try to compete and remember the things we learned this semester. This is part of the reason why this trip is so great. Not everything is by the book. Not everything has to be strictly about reading a book and taking exams. It was all for the enjoyment. I appreciate Dr. Wasser for having this program the way it is. Shout out to Nick and Sarah who work non stop behind the scenes. Nick became a dad to all the sick students and their issues this semester. I enjoyed visiting the castle, and it was a great last adventure for the program.
We had our genetics final on Tuesday along with the exit interviews. It started to hot me then that the program was truly coming to an end. We celebrated Katie's birthday and our last nights in Germany. It's crazy to think that after 4 months of being with the same group of people almost every day that you suddenly have to just leave. By graduation approaching I probably will never see half of them again. For some people that's a good thing though.
Tuesday night instead of sleeping we went to a pub for some German beer and laughs. The people that I did connect with and become close to will be engraved in my heart and memories for a lifetime. It was really hard to say good bye to Katie because she didn't ride the bus with us to the airport. She is such a beautiful and care free soul. I will miss he but I'll see her once she is back to college station. The next morning me and Claudia woke up to head to the bus. We were so tired. I slept the entire way to the airport. We checked in and everything once we finally figured out which way we had to go. My suitcase is enormous so I really hated carrying it around. I told Maddi that I would probably fall with the suitcase on the escalator and sure enough I did. I was fine though. More funny than anything. I was so nervous once they weighed my bag that I would have to pay the overweight fee but the guy never said anything. We talked about the trip and he told me have a safe flight back to the States. That man saved me $200 so shout out to him.
Bunch of us met up at the McDonalds since our flights weren't right away and we gotten there hours ahead. This was the last moments and it was time to say good bye to Kate Nicky and Austin. Although I'll probably see Kate next week in College Station. It's crazy how we been there 4 months and we only been good friends one month. We made tons of memories though in that time and all agreed we were doing it all wrong at first. Me, Joseph, Maddi, and Camella were all on the same flight. We finally made it to Houston and all the sleep I missed was catching up to me but I am so thankful we had a safe flight. I believe everyone made it to their respective places.
I'll see Claudia tomorrow so I won't have to say goodbye to her yet. She has been the closest friend on this trip, and it will be awkward to say goodbye.
Chuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssss to Germany and all the wonderful people I met.
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