I spent my spring break traveling around Italy. I was traveling with Austin, Michelle, Cerci, and Chelsea. We had beautiful sunny weather the entire time which made me so happy. We began our trip in Milan. We stayed at this really cool Hostel, were we met some new people. In Milan we went to visit the Domo and going shopping because, what else are you going to do in Milan? The Domo was absolutely breath taking. We went close to dusk so the Domo was bathed in a soft glow, it was so amazing. I even went clubbing in Milan which was an interesting experience. I honestly wasn't that comfortable with it but it is one of those life experiences.

Next we went to Venice. Venice was so stunning. It has to be one of my favorite places I have ever been to. The greatest thing to do was to get lost and see what you could find. I ended up finding some of the backgrounds for scenes from one of my favorite movies growing up as a kid. We also found this really cool Leonardo da Vinci museum. In the museum they had replicas of Leonardo's machines based off his Codices. We even got to play with the machines. We also found an art exhibit that was based off of photos the Hubble telescope took. It was really neat. Every corner you turn in Venice leads you to another beautiful place. I just couldn't get over all of it. There were also so many pretty, handmade things to buy. The trick was figuring out what was real and what a good price is. We of course took the obligatory gondola ride. It gives such a unique perspective of the city. One of the coolest things we did was sit at the top of the clocktower for almost an hour. It gave an amazing 360 view of the city. Venice is nothing like I have ever seen and probably ever see again. I loved it so much.

The next stop was Florence, and Pisa. The leaning tower of Pisa is so unimpressive. I thought it was a lot taller than it actual is. I'm still glad I saw it, I also had a lot of fun attempting to take the cliche Pisa pictures. After all of our nonstop traveling we were getting pretty tired. We used Florence more as a place to relax. We wandered around for a little while and saw some pretty things. We ended up this really cool bridge at sunset. It gave a really nice view of the city and another even cooler looking bridge. I am a little sad that I did not explore Florence more, and go see Michelangelo's David or an of the other famous art that is in Florence. I almost bought a leather jacket while in Florence because it is the leather capital of the world. Im kinda glad I did't just because I wouldn't get a whole lot of use out of it. I am also sad that I didn't have nice wine while in Florence. I did have a truffled carbonara which was life changing. I loved it so much.

Our last destination was Rome. Rome is such an interesting fusion of ancient structures hidden in the middle of the modern world. I absolutely loved walking around the Colosseum, the Forum, and the Palentine. It took almost 8 hours but was so worth it. These 2,000 year old structures were so impressive and made me feel so small and insignificant. I just can't believe that it was possible to create these structures. Its all sad that they will never be returned to their glory because the Church stole so much to make their structures pretty. I was upset that the group was unable to wake up in time to go visit the Vatican. That is something I would have liked to see. We participated in a pub crawl which was actually a lot of fun. We stayed at a pub for a while and got free drinks and pizza. There I met a really rich girl from Bolivia, her name was Elizabeth. She was super sweet and a lot of fun to hang out with. After we left the pub we lost Cerci and Chelsea who decided to go home. Next, Austin, Elizabeth, and I went to a really exclusive club in Rome. We were able to get into one of the VIP areas and have fun there. Elizabeth and I got separated from Austin when we went on to the dance floor. That had to be one of the most terrifying minutes of my life. I literally had to elbow a guy in the diaphragm twice to get him to let me go. Elizabeth was in a similar situation. Luckily, we were able to shove our way out of there. Despite this hiccup it was a fun night. Elizabeth took us for pizza and then to her hotel for a little while. It was crazy to see how well off she was. I had a lot of fun in Rome and really liked all it had to offer. Even though I walked so much and did a ton of stairs. The day we toured all the ruins I went up 58 flights of stairs. I loved touring Italy but was so happy to be back in Bonn and in my bed. Its crazy to think how much like home Bonn has gotten.

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