Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week 13: Easter and Enmodes

This is the week before our enmodes presentation. We are trying to get as much work done on our project as we possibly can before Easter break and next week. The more work that is done this week the better. The engineers in my group are really struggling with the calculations. That are proving incredibly challenging, but it would be super beneficial if we had them done for our presentation. The calculations would give simulated proof that our design works. I am trying to help any way that I can, by getting the other work done. Our group dynamic is not the greatest because some people are slacking while others are trying to do too much. There is also quite a lot of miscommunication occurring. Hopefully, this all works out in the next week.

My grandfather has come down with Shingles. It is causing him a lot of pain and preventing him from sleeping. My mom is really worried about him. He can not leave the house because of his pain medication, and my grandmother can't leave because she can't walk. Currently, the neighbors are buying groceries for them. My mom is wanting me to go visit but not tell them in advance. That really worries me.

I went and saw my grandparents. The trains messed up again so it took me longer to get to Frankfurt. Luckily, I had decided to treat myself and bought a book. Once I got to Frankfurt it took me a while to figure out how to Hattersheim. I finally made it and my grandmother was happy to see me. We had fun chatting in my broken german. My grandfather was happy to see me but you could tell he was not up to socializing for very long. I know they were happy to have me come over for a few hours. Afterwards I went into Frankfurt to do a little shopping and see a few things. There were so many people it was a bit overwhelming. All in all it was a pretty decent day.

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