Friday, April 7, 2017

50 Shades of Fooßball & Bayer

            Classes. All-nighters. Backwerk. Currywurst. More all-nighters. & the weekend! It’s to the point now where it seems like the weekends are a dream, and Monday morning is when I wake back up and snap right back to reality! But ya, that’s my week summed up in several words. OH! And I got a haircut. I just could not stand my hair any longer; it liked to go with the wind instead of how my hair gel told it to….L so I went and got a haircut at the barber in the breezeway to Friedensplatz. It seems that almost all the other students that have gotten haircuts in Bonn went to this same barber, so he kind of loves us haha! I told him what I wanted….and he nodded…and stuff. Not too reassuring, but at that point, I was just done with my hair and ready to chop it off, so the barber went to work. 30 minutes later, the deed was done. It wasn’t what I was used to, but what could I expect? It wasn’t the same barber I’m used to back in Texas. The haircut wasn’t too bad; everyone else said they liked it, so I guess that’s something. Regardless, my hair will grow back eventually (about a month), so it’s whatever! It’s Saturday, and we are headed to the BayArena in Leverkusen to watch some fooßball!! Yes, the “real” football (don’t call it soccer, it’s offensive to the fans)!! The match was played between Bayer Leverkusen & Eintracht Frankfurt. One team wore black, and one team wore red. Bayer won 3-0. YEP. That’s about all I know about fooßball. HAHA. But really, the game was very enjoyable; it was actually the first football game that I had ever watched! AND we stayed all 90 minutes… 2%-ing today :P The next day was a Sunday Funday filled with homework J later that night, a group of us were daring enough to venture into the Kinopolis and sit through an hour and 55 minutes of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele profess their love for one another…………it was 50 times better than the first one……does anyone know where I can find some vanilla ice cream??…YUP YUP YUP. Moving on! That next week, we were fortunate enough to take a morning excursion back out to Leverkusen to visit the pharmaceutical company, Bayer. We were taken around the company of Bayer and learned a little more of the history of the company. Outside of the company, there was a beautiful Japanese Garden that dated back to 1912; the general director, Carl Duisberg, created it and it has been open to the public since the 1950s. It was a beautiful place to take a stroll through, relax, and contemplate just about anything!
midway through an all-nighter?
We love Raju and his passion for fooßball 😊
v vanilla....v vanilla (NOT)
Another fallen BMEN 😵
Group visit to Bayer!
T's & G's!
Japanese Garden 😍

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