Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week 13

This week was boring but ended amazingly with our trip to Amsterdam finally happening! We get there on Friday and start with an cute little canal cruise. It allowed us to see the city and check out the things we wanted to do. Afterwards we went to the cat museum which was so cool and they even had live cats in there that would let you pet them. We also went to the Body World's exhibit which was so cool and really interactive and fun. Afterwards, we found a cute little carnival and went there and rode several of the rides. It was such a great day and good start to our trip.

Saturday was flower day. We get up at the crack of dawn and start getting ready. Rachel starts blow drying her hair and I'm sure that once we leave, the three other people in our hostel will steal all of our things out of hatred. Thankfully, that doesn't happen. We go to the airport because that's where the shuttle leaves from. We also get stuck at the front of the bus standing and Maggie goes through all the scenarios of how she would die if the bus crashed. We finally get to the flower garden and it was everything I dreamed of and more. Rows of beautiful, colorful tulips and an almost overwhelming scent that comes with being around millions of flowers. We spent most of the day here and it was actually exhausting so afterwards we went back to the hostel and took naps which was great too.

Sunday morning was Easter and so we got up again and went to a cute little english mass. It was adorable and the priest gave all of the kids little easter eggs at the end. After mass, we went into town to get a pancake brunch. The restaurant had "american pancakes" on the menu and so of course I ordered them. They were amazing and made me miss home even more. Afterwards we went to the Anne Frank house which was really moving and quite interesting.

Monday was our last day and we made it museum day. We started off with the Van Gogh museum which was really cool. Afterwards we went to the avocado restaurant which was so cool and really really good. We finished the day with the Rijks museum before getting on a train back to Bonn. Train problems caused a night in Venlo, Netherlands which was unexpected and kind of terrible but we made it back so alles gute.

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