This past week has been PRETTY COLD! Lows in the single digits and highs in the twenties. But none the less it has been really sunny, so if you found a patch of sun, it felt nice....really nice. We went to Cologne and did a tour of the old city and also the famous Kolner Dom. This cathedral started construction in 1248 and ended in the 1800's. And still today, there is continuous efforts to preserve the scaffolding and all the integrity of the cathedral. Our tour guide said that people of Koln didn't believe in the apocalypse because they believe that the world will end once the construction on the Kolner Dom is finished. Well naturally, construction and preservation never ends. Despite the frigid temperatures, we all ventured to the top of the cathedral at about 100 meters up. And it was worth it, especially seeing this site of Cologne.
In this past week it has been pretty hectic though. Us biomedical science students had a test in biochemistry and physiology. So it consisted of a lot of studying, but its over. Thank Jesus. So now I am home free till we are back from Vienna. Which is in 2 weeks. But next week starts the end of the carnival season in the Rheinland. Huge parties commence on Weiberfastnacht and Rosenmontag. These parties consist of huge parades, and of course, Kolsch. It is going to be a great experience and fun time. And i think since we have a long weekend, we are traveling before. Hopefully Prague. hah!
Tschuss for now
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