Friday, February 17, 2012

Karneval or Carnival?

Hey, so did you hear that there was a huge Karneval in Bonn yesterday? Cause I went to it and it was preeeeety cool. We went to watch a carnival parade in Boyle at 10 A.M. and it was a pretty cool experience, the parade was very traditional German, EVERYONE was dressed up, and it was just a good time! Pretty much everyone in our group dressed up for the event and I was the box head robot from LMFAO, that was received pretty well, other than by the german guys who kept hitting my box! No worries though. After the parade in Boyle we went to Cologne to celebrate Carnival some more, and that was crazy. There were maybe around a billion people on the streets, all of them dressed up too. For future reference to any BMEN freshmen who are interested in going to Germany next year, Cologne is the San Francisco of Germany, something that freaked me out when guys kept approaching me (thank you Megan, Johanna, and pretty much all the other girls who kept me safe!).


I got back home at around 6pm and could not believe that it was only 6pm! After the day's events it felt like 14  hours had passed, not just 8. Time flies when you're having a good time, I guess.

Alright guys and gals, I need to go make some final plans for Dusseldorf tomorrow! The group is depending on me to not get us lost while we are there.

Peace y'all

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