On Wednesday, the group took a trip to Cologne. Even before moving to Germany, I had heard that Germans were serious, strict, and disciplined. That might be true in many ways (such as my host dad wanting to plan things several months in advance), but it certainly doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor! We got a small tour of the city and several things surprised me. For example, not only does the city town hall have a clock which has a face of a man sticking his tongue out every hour, but (like the picture shows) underneath an unfortunate statue on the building there is someone flashing their buttocks to everyone. Also, the other picture shows the infamous....statues (I don't remember their names, sorry!) and you're supposed to rub the Cologne man's nose for good luck. I rubbed his nose like 5 times, so I should be set for the semester!
Before getting a tour though, we stopped at a cafe shop to get some delicious hot chocolate. We needed this since it was absolutely freezing outside! I tend to be a genius for terrible ideas, so here I am eating some gelato outside while my feet and hands were frozen.
Do not confuse that face for a smile because I was truly crying inside. The gelato was soooo good, but the weather was horrible! Needless to say, my feelings were a little mixed.
Now it's time to go back to the books since I have my first exam tomorrow! Wish me luck, tschuss!
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