What can I say about Karneval.... It can't really be put into words if I'm honest about it. The closest thing too it that an American might understand is Mardi Gras, but having never been to that and being too young to get the full effect I can't really compare them, not that I think they could be compared anyhow. First of all, it's in Germany, and is supposedly the biggest party this side of Carneval in Brazil, that might give you an idea of the scale of this thing. It's interesting that all the biggest parties anywhere occur at about the same time, for pretty much the same reason, going crazy before Lent. This version of Karneval is probably not what the Catholic Church intended. The only thing I can say about Karneval that I am sure everyone can agree on is that it is most definitely crazy. It's also dirty , wet, covered in trash, and in some cases bloody. But I suppose that is all parts of it's "charm". As far as I have seen the Germans are a well organized people, and Karneval seem sto be how they make up for all that. Literally every restaurant that wasn't either a fast food chain or sold doner had been turned into a club, even steak houses had stripped everything out to make room for a DJ and some strobe lights. Another distinct difference between Germany and America is the police force, or as they are called over here, the Polizei. The Polizei seem to be there to keep people safe and in line, American cops have always seemed to make people safe, they are "enforcers". I saw scuffles break out right next to the cops but nothing happened until the fight moved to the ground. The Polizei also didn't seem nearly as eager to use their extensive riot gear as the stories of cops breaking up Occupy movements and the like would lead you to expect. They also smile, which I swear is the weirdest thing I have ever seen a cop do.
In non-Karneval news, I finally found a climbing partner. That probably won't be exciting for anyone else but for me at least, it was a godsend. I really enjoy climbing and it is a large part of my life, but being in a foreign country and not knowing the language, even in a country that seems to love the outdoors, almost put a complete stop to all of my verticality. I only climbed with him for a few hours, but I can already tell I will be making more than a few trips with him and his other partners this semester.
Also, here is me in a bunny suit, notice the carrot.

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