Yesterday it snowed!

In the afternoon Candy, Joanna and I went to Deiters on Konigswinterer Str. to get costumes for Karnival. In the store there were so many different costumes that ranged from a simple dress and skirt to an elaborate Victorian-era clothing. Downstairs was even crazier with wigs, hats, bodysuits, makeup and all these other accessories. We all left the store with costumes to use next week.
So today Chase, Cameron, Lars and I happened to go to the burger place right behind Stadthaus. Those burgers were so good and they tasted better than some burgers I've had back home. The lady behind the counter was really nice and spoke English but Cameron still decided to order in German. There were two Germany guys who were watching Cameron as he was ordering and when he asked for ''käse'' one of the guys looked at the other and started smiling and looked happy that Cameron was able to order what he wanted. It's fun to look at other people and see the emotions play on their face.

Random poster for some band in the burger place.
Anyways away from food...So afterwords Cameron and I wandered around Munsterplatz looking for scarves for ourselves. While in Galeria a guy approached us asking which scarves were for girls. He ended up holding up two scarves and we helped him choose one to take back to his girlfriend. Hopefully she'll like it! After he left a saleslady approached us to help us choose a scarf but seeing as how we couldn't understand her and she couldn't speak English it was fun trying to communicate with her. She would bring scarves and sort of acted out the different ways we could try them on. We both left with scarves and resumed wandering around so I could buy gloves which I didn't end up getting. I wanted to go to the store for the Beethovenhaus so we went and I ended up getting sheet music for my mom since she plays the piano. One of the pieces was called ''Rage Over a Lost Penny'' and the music looked fun to play and listening to it was very amusing. It was such an upbeat song that makes it seem like a penny is rolling away while people frantically search for it.

Beethoven with headphones! This random stuff you stumble upon is so awesome!
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