Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oh no not again...

Okay so I know this isn’t exactly a tale of awesome adventures or cool places, but this has definitely been a part of my experience in Germany that I feel needs to be documented.  So here goes.  What is this wonderful topic you might ask? Spiders.  Lots and lots of spiders.

Okay really just one more spider of late, but it was HUGE and RED and HAIRY and CRAWLING ON MY BATHROOM FLOOR.  I came into my bathroom after dinner all ready to dispose of my kidney excretions when I noticed something crawling by my foot.  This spider was at least an inch long and hairy.  It was like the monster cousin of those spindly ones I had to crush in my shower.  Fortunately I was able to swallow my scream and quickly trap it under a cup.  I am not ashamed to say that I avoided touching this one and instead chickened out by asking my host mother if she was good with spiders.  She laughed and got a piece of paper to slide under the cup to pick it up.  Apparently her sister-in-law just picks them up with her bare hands.  We both agreed that was a little crazy.  Anyways so thankfully she took care of it for me and I held open the door as she dumped the spider outside.  As my dad would say, that spider is right now probably recounting the tale to his friends of how he made his narrow escape.  I would have squished it, but now I guess I don’t have to worry about its friends organizing revenge.  There is one disturbing thought though.  According my host mom they don’t have spiders like that in Germany.  This leaves the question of how long that spider has been wandering around watching me and where in the world I brought it back from. I certainly hope that the rate of spider appearances in my bathroom is not mathematical.  The rate has been decreasing but the size has been getting bigger.  I could quantify it and guess what comes next, but I have a feeling my efforts would be better spent on my biomechanics homework and that I wouldn’t want to know the size of the next spider in store for me anyways.  Ugh I do not like spiders.

On a slightly happier note, the physiology test is over for the week! WHOOP! It seems like everyone came out decently intact and no one is hating their life too much so the world will go on.  Tomorrow we get to visit the Beethoven house, which I am very excited about, and then hopefully I will stop being lazy and get back into training for the marathon.  I will leave you today with a picture (not of the spider unfortunately) of our late-night studying for the physiology test.  Some of the group chose to stay late at AIB to study for the test.  We were actually pretty productive despite the ping-pong table and piano and I only had to dance around the room once or twice to keep myself awake. 
Note the lovely stick-figure drawings reminding everyone of who presented
what condition

Tschüß for now!


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