Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's 3:15, do you know where your toothbrush is?

So I desperately wish I could talk about Rosenmontag like the rest of the cool kids but can't really because I was sick as a dog. While everyone else was having Willy Wonka-esque amounts of candy lobbed at them I spent all day rolling around in bed wishing that for once a single store would be open on a holiday so I could buy literally anything to help, but the Germans take holidays seriously around here. I am happy to say that I am on the road to recovery now.
As for the days of Karneval that I was able to enjoy I spent them in Dusseldorf. If Cologne is like a volcano, Dusseldorf is like a welding torch, still hot as anything out there but a lot more
controlled and with significantly less collateral damage. I would definitely recommend Dusseldorf to anyone looking to enjoy Karneval without having to watch for broken glass. It also had at least one great museum, I am sure there are more but we only had time for one, which we really need to fix because one museum simply is not enough. I learned quite a bit of history just walking around the town though, namely that bullet holes tend not to be removed as shown in the adjacent photo.
An explanation is probably needed for why I am up so late and I am proud to say that it is not because of faulty internet for once, it is because of a faulty circadian rhythm. I am staying up in an effort to not miss the bus to Austria as I can't really trust myself to wake up at 4 in the morning but it is providing an excellent opportunity to catch up with everyone back home as well as to catch up on laundry.
See you all, well, today actually.

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