I want to rewind to before my
previous post to mention one nice afternoon when a few of us got to rub our feet
in the grass and play some Fußball
(soccer) on the field in front of the university in
been such a nice afternoon, and those of us who played barefoot may have gotten
frost bite, but it was still a lot of fun. Through the mud and hail we enjoyed
playing the game of the rest of the world as passersby looked at us in wonder,
with a couple dogs also trying to get in on the action from time to time. We
made quite the sight for our host families going home caked in mud, but I’d say
it was well worth it.
Fast forwarding to the present, today
was part two of my Karneval trilogy. I accompanied my host brother, sister, and
her friend to the center of Bad Godesburg to catch the parade there. I’d say
this one was a bit more fun than the one on Thursday and blessed us with nearly
as much sugary goodness. Pictured are the local king and queen who officially
ended the parade in grand fashion. I may have been the only person not dressed
up for the event; there was no shortage of sprites, smurfs, fools, and princesses
scurrying around for flowers and candy. Viva Bad Godesburg!
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