Monday, February 20, 2012

The end to Carnival

This post is from pre-19/2

Carnival has been quite the experience for me! Meeting and hanging out with people from all over Germany… from Dusseldorf to Cologne! This past weekend a group of us went to Dusseldorf to experience the Carnival festivities. Since the Kölner and the people of Dusseldorf are rivals in everything including sports, we thought it necessary to experience the carnival season from both sides.

We went to the Altstadt, which is apparently the longest strip of bars in the world, but it looked like a significant portion had been either blocked off or closed down, because College Station’s northgate was bigger. But even though it was smaller, it was still a lot of fun! The clubs and bars seemed much bigger which made the condensed festivities more fun. It was great to see brass wind bands playing in parades that were not affiliated with schools, which in America is very hard to come by. They really got into the music, even so late as 11 pm!

Rosenmontag was way more than I had expected! Bourbon Street had nothing on Cologne! There were so many people that we had to almost exit the city just to go around the parade. It was quite a bit colder than I was prepared for but I am glad that for the foreseeable future, it is only getting warmer. I have been meeting a lot of locals, one of which I hope to continue contact with and has also given reason to further my abilities in the German language.

I am really excited for this next week which on Wednesday, we are heading to Vienna. I am planning on minoring in neuroscience which makes me all the more excited to visit the house of Sigmund Freud.

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