Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life in Bonn

A side effect of not fully understanding the tram and bus schedule, I ended up taking a nice walk through the countryside in west Bonn to get to the Schuman Haus. I felt so at home passing through the small streets and alleyways, this was typical small town Texas, yet these people have been living this way for thousands of years! I'm still getting used to the way of life here, not having dryers, not refrigerating meats and open containers, even the way the toilets flush here.

I'm really enjoying the quiet, small town Bonn atmosphere. Though more socially conservative than the naive bubble of college station, I feel like the people here are happier and have more of a sense of purpose in their life. It could be because of the vocational schooling the children experience, which allows them to narrow their career paths at a young age.

Exercising hasn't been working out as planned because I keep using the -7 degree weather as an excuse to stay in. But starting this next week, I'm kicking it into gear. I've even bought a beefier pair of five fingers!

I'm getting really excited for the Cologne Carnival! My roommate and I have decided to dress up as cowboys, which is perfect because all that we need are hats. After talking to my host mom about the weather during Carnival, she said you must drink lots of brandy to survive the cold, but that for the next two weeks everybody has coughs and colds!

The above photo is of a pedestrian underpass I had to cross through on my way to the Schuman Haus.

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