Saturday, February 11, 2012

Snow and Classical Music with Host Bro

I don't know if anyone heard but it snowed  in Bonn a couple of days ago. The snow was not too heavy but it beautifully adorned the landscape around us, especially in the valley of Bad Godesberg. I remember thinking that it wouldn't snow that day, only a tease, but I was very wrong! The snow was light but it accumulated well on the ground and upon the houses, making Bonn into a winter wonderland :D :D :D! This was pretty awesome.

I managed to get a few artsy photos on my cell phone and on my camera but I'll only show you guys a before and after picture that I took of a tree that is just outside my host family's dining room.

So, I think my host family is fed up with my rate of learning German and have decided to take matters into their own hands by quizzing me on the german names of things and threatening me with witholding my meals. Luckily I passed today's quiz on kitchen utensils, but I better prepare the next round or no scrambled eggs for me tomorrow morning. :( Also, I don't know why I'm using so many emoticon things.

After holding my lunch hostage, I got in a interesting conversation with my host dad bro. He's been giving me some classical music since I asked and he has been showing me all sorts of tangents related with classical music. One interesting one that piqued my interest was the fact that the greeks grouped the study of philosophy, music, and math into one class, since they believed they were tied together in nature. I found this interesting because that is along the lines of what I've studied and become interested, the intersection of human reasoning and aesthetics. There's a huge book dedicated to the relationship between music, art, and mathematics that I think I'll take a look at whenever I decide to dedicate myself to the task of reading such a behemoth. I think the book is called "Gödel and the....", well I'll let you guys know after I've finished reading my other book on the Golden ratio.

Anyways, it's been good times at Bonn high, not gonna lie. I'll tell you something though, I can wait for Dr. Moore to get here and my workload to increase significantly.

Peace homeskillets.

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