
I could easily talk about how wonderful Carnival was yesterday. However something vastly more important has been found. I'm going to talk about ice cream instead. When I was little, probably 6 or 7 years old, every year my family got together for the holidays. One thing I distinctly remember that has changed since then is the dessert selection. While we still have home made pies and fruit salad, I remember we also used to have Viennetta. Viennetta is this fantastic ice cream/chocolate cake thing formed in a way by folding layers of ice cream and chocolate together, then topping with more ice cream and chocolate. I started asking my mom years ago what this was called and if she had seen it since. She hadn't. I've been looking for this delicious piece of my childhood since then without any success. Today after a superb Italian lunch, a group of us decided we wanted ice cream. Imagine my surprise as right next to the tubs of ice cream is Viennetta :) Of course I got it. I'm eating it right now. It reminds me of a straciatella flavored gelato. MMMMMHm I am satisfied. This whole trip is a success because I found the long lost dessert of my childhood. Germany-1 Texas-0.
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