Sunday, February 19, 2012

Karneval: Düsseldorf style

Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies! Another couple of days of Karneval have passed, and I have no idea how the Germans are still up and about.  Yesterday eight of us boarded the train early to head up river to Düsseldorf, aka: the dark side.  Thankfully there were no train mishaps along the way this time, and we arrived there around ten in the morning.  We managed to successfully navigate the maps to the hotel and dump our stuff, and then we set out for the town center to see what there was to see.

The first thing I noticed was the lack of costumes.  I suppose that it was still too early in the morning for Karneval people to be about and about, but after having seen the streets packed in Köln it was a little suprising.  The main square area was decently calm and we wandered around a bit looking for a museum to visit.  We eventually settled on K2021, a modern art museum.  Now I am not the biggest fan of 20th century modern art, I much prefer impressionism or even the more modern 21st century pieces, but I actually enjoyed the museum a lot.  My favorite exhibit by far was the paper cloud exhibit by (unfortunately I cannot think of the artist currently).  This was a room full of white geometric paper shapes suspended from the ceiling.  You could walk among the clouds and even make your own to hang up and add to the exhibit.  We had lots of fun taking pictures and making clouds, and even some of the group that did not enjoy modern art liked this room.

Afterwards was lunch at a restaurant and then back to the hotel for a nap.  Per usual, that meant I sat on the bed reading and listening to music while everyone else took a nap.  Apparently not much has changed in the napping department from when I was little.  The girls woke up a bit before the guys, and upon finding no one had locked their doors, we pranked a couple of them by taking their shoes and putting them in our room.  Finally around 6:30 everyone was awake and dressed up in costume, and the shoes were returned, so we were all ready for a night on the Altstadt (old town).  We started the night off with some true Italian pizza (yum!) and then went to a dance club.  It turned out to be a club that played only English music from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and some of more current stuff.  This was so much more fun than any other bar/club I have been to here.  People were there to dance, and the music was awesome.  Even stuff like ‘Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack’ music was remixed and played, making for some awesome beats.  I even got the chance to try heißeschokolade mit amaretto (hot chocolate with a bit of amaretto mixed in) at one of the cafés.  BEST HOT CHOCOLATE EVER!  The night wound to a close after successfully navigating back to the hotel, showering, and going straight to bed.

This morning we woke up, had a late breakfast, and headed back to Bonn on the train.  All in all it was a fun, albeit exaughsting weekend.  The verdict on Düsseldorf? It is not as bad as Kölners make it out to be.  The celebrating is a bit toned down, but I enjoyed the atmosphere, and dare I say I like Altbier more than Kölsch? Don’t get me wrong (or secretly pull a prank on me in the night) I like Kölsch, but Altbier is pretty tasty. Düsseldorf gets a thumbs up in my book!

One more Karneval parade to go and then Vienna, quickly followed by a Physiology test. Whoop!

Tschüß for now,

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