Monday, May 1, 2017

Week - 16??

So idk how I did it, but I think I managed to screw up the week I'm on currently. Oh well, here's an extra blog!

Let me start out by saying that this week, was the death of me. Four tests in four days... I don't know how I did it but I survived. I managed to get an A in physiology and an A in 253 but I'm still waiting to see what I get in 211 and Diff Eq. This semester has been proven to be challenging in terms of trying to balance out traveling with studying and so on and so forth, but let me just say, I wouldn't have traded this semester for the world. Getting to be a part of this program was such a life changing experience and I eternally grateful for the people who made it as great as it was. That includes both my peers as well as the faculty on the trip as well. Without them, this trip wouldn't have been as great as it was and I consider myself extremely blessed to have met every single person on this trip. I have grown a lot while abroad and I have seen my friends around grow too. This transformative experience will be carried with me throughout my life and I know it has changed me for the better. It's crazy to think that once I return to America and begin to tell the stories about my journey, those stories will include the same people for the rest of my life. As I sit here with 2 days left in Germany, I literally have to keep telling myself the cliché quote of "don't be sad because its over, smile because it happened". I have been truly humbled by this experience and I can't wait to take my learnings back to the states and share them with those around me. It has been the best 4 months of my life and I will never, EVER, forget them.


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