Monday, May 1, 2017

MJF Week Eleven: (27.03.2017-02.04.2017)

Alright, this week got a little more interesting. So on Wednesday I learned a tough lesson. I set my alarm to get up for something I was looking forward to since before I even came to Germany, but I failed to see that my alarm was set for 9 PM instead of 9 AM... That “something” was the opportunity to shadow a surgeon for a day as I had once before. I’m still kicking myself in the butt about it. Anyways, I now set my phone’s time to 24-hour time as the Germans do. I will not make that mistake again.

On Friday, we went to a museum of the history of anesthesiology in Bonn. We got a tour of it by the owner himself, who is actually an old famous anesthesiologist! He was super sweet and an endless wealth of knowledge. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am still absolutely dumbfounded as to how one person could collect so many artifacts from a single specialty in the medical field.

On Saturday, which was April 1st, two interesting things happened. The first thing was the season 3 premiere of Rick and Morty was released and yes, that is freaking blog-worthy. It’s the best animated show there is. The other weird thing was these eerie sirens were going off all across Bonn for what seemed like an eternity. The GroupMe was going nuts with people asking was the heck it was. It sounded like an old air-raid siren you would hear in a WWII movie. Turns out it’s just a practice thing they do on the first Saturday of every month or something.

Finally, on Sunday... I ran the longest leg in the Bonn Marathon Relay. 8 km. I cannot believe that I did that. The story behind that is that I initially wanted to, but thought I shouldn’t because I’m no runner. Then someone who signed up for the race dropped out and another guy filled in. Then that guy dropped out and asked if I’d fill in. I said yes. Like two days before the marathon... So, I ran it on absolutely no training. I just about died, but I pushed through and made it to the finish line. It was honestly one of the best moments of my life. It was a huge milestone that I never expected to surpass.

That’s it for this week. I’m going to rest my poor legs. RIP.

To victory and success,


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