Monday, May 1, 2017

MJF Week Ten: (20.03.2017-26.03.2017)

This week was jam-packed with work from my classes. Honestly, I do not have a whole lot to write about this week because of it. But I mean, with so many breaks and vacation, they have to make up for missed time somewhere, right? Anyways, the most exciting thing from this week was the International Big Event, which was on Saturday. Groups of students and AIB staff split up to address many needs within the community of Bonn and it was beautiful. My group went off to assist a distribution center to assist the refugees from Syria and more. The center’s job was to distribute donated clothes and they did not have enough hands to help sort everything out. So that is what we did for them for the day. Afterwards, I headed home to work on some homework. On the bus home, I heard someone call my name and it was a friend I’d met just that day. We had been talking for a bit when we noticed a festival-type thing on the Rhine, so we spontaneously decided to go. The festival was full of foods, rides, flowers and plants, and all sorts of things. The weather was absolutely perfect and so we stayed there for a while and just talked about things from photography to videography to travel in general. I showed her my pictures from my Spring Break and Paris experience and we just talked about it. It was really nice to be able to connect with another person and enjoy just being.

Well, that just about sums up my tenth week here. Hope yours was just as good!

Be Right, Do Good,


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