Monday, May 1, 2017

MJF Week Four: (06.02.2017-12.02.2017)

I’ll be honest... all blog posts from here on were written at a much later time and I’m going to paste them all into blogger before they’re due. After this week, I stopped caring for a while due to a really crappy personal situation back home. I’d rather not expound on that any more.

Well, after coming back from Vienna, we had a work-packed week and not a whole lot of time to go do stuff on our own. Overall, school is pretty straight-forward and I’m trying my best... I mean it is studying abroad after all. Haha.  The medical device design project for Enmodes is going interestingly. It is definitely a challenge working in a small group on something where everyone has so many great ideas, but the biggest challenge is communication. I find that we often start arguing the same point and when that gets pointed out, it’s still not realized in the moment. My advice for future teams is to really put your heaviest emphasis on skillful communication. Honestly, it’s what makes or breaks a team.

Anyways, the most interesting things about this week was, as usual, the weekend. On Saturday, we all went to my first European soccer game, Leverkusen vs Frankfurt. The game was pretty exciting, but the best part was watching some of the other students really get into it *cough*Raju*cough*. The game ended with a win for Leverkusen at 3-0. Though it was particularly cold that day, they did happen to be selling mulled wine, so that was neat. Afterwards we were all absolutely exhausted and made our way home. Some (Kenneth) fell asleep on the train ride back. I've got pictures I'll share later!

The next day a group of friends and I went to go check out a club in Bonn. An AIB student worker suggested Tante Rike because they had the most original music, so we tried that. We got inside and the air was saturated with smoke and fog from the fog machine and there weren’t many people. A couple people got a beer and we headed into another room where the live music was and it was so strange. It was some type of electronic music, but it didn’t go anywhere. The “songs” stayed in the same place and did not seem to change much, which was fairly uncomfortable. I absolutely love EDM when produced by a skilled artist, but honesty I could have done better than these guys. It was just terrible, so we all (except one person) left and never went back. Lesson learned, but the situation was pretty funny at the time!

That’s all I really have for this week. Love y’all and see y’all in my next post!


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