Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 12 - The three B's

The Three B's: Booz, Brugges, and the Bonn Marathon. This is what my weekend consisted of and I loved every second of it.

To start the weekend off, a group of us went on a day trip to Brugges and had an awesome time! Brugges is such a nice, quaint little town with much to do! It's perfect for a day trip in Europe. To begin our day, we went to a place called Lizzie's Waffles there in Brugges and were served the literal best waffles I've ever eaten in my life. (Also the most expensive lol). I had a waffle with Ice Cream and caramel on top, it was delicious. To drink, I ordered white hot chocolate. This hot chocolate wasn't any normal hot chocolate.. it was a super geil hot chocolate. It was presented to me as a glass of very warm milk and a little chocolate tulip filled with even more chocolate on the side. To make your hot chocolate, all you would have to do is drop your tulip inside your glass! it was very fun and very tasty. Once breakfast was over, we explored the town and ended up at a giant Dutch windmill! We spent about an hour there taking lots of cool pics and just embracing the vibe that the city gave off. It was incredible there. The remainder of our time in Brugges consisted of us buying Belgian fries, beer and chocolate. Angelica had told me previously that Belgian chocolate is better than Swiss chocolate and honestly.... I believe her lol. It is SO good. Lastly, we went to a park right by the main train station, took more pictures and said goodbye to that beautiful town.

The next day, I woke up bright and early for the BONN MARATHON. I've always wanted to run in a marathon and after today, that's one thing I can check off of my bucket list. Altogether I ran 7.4 miles in 1 hour and 1 minute. I was super proud of myself because I did not stop to walk! It was a challenging run but in retrospect, It was totally fun and awesome. I think my favorite part was afterwards when we went to the hoftgarten and got so much free food and drinks, it was super lecker! I even tried alcohol free beer afterward because apparently its pretty popular to drink that after a marathon here in Germany... idk lol. Another strange thing to me was that throughout the marathon, at the drink stations, they not only handed out sports drinks and water,  but also COKE. I thought that was super interesting and to be honest, it tempted me very much throughout my run. In the end, it was an awesome experience and I know I'm going to feel it for the next few days.... wish me luck.

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