Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 2 of heck week/Maibaum

SO after a nice weekend of studying with friends and visiting Ahrweiler with our host family,the second week of finals hit us like a freight train. This week contained a physiology test Monday, physiology final Wednesday, 211 lecture all day Tuesday with a final on Thursday, and a 253 final on Wednesday. There was a lot to be done but we were going as strong as we could!

So we did the best we could on finals through exhaustion of late nights and studying hard. But after Thursday all our finals were over and that was a great feeling. Friday we had our trip to Remagen to visit the famous bridge the US troops crossed during WWII. It is so cool to see such awesome pieces of history from such a huge war that has shaped the world today. And to see the American presence there really makes you proud of your country, the USA. This was a very similar feeling to the one I felt in Berlin seeing the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, and the Topography of Terror.

After Remagen we had our farewell party, which I was very happy wasn't sad. The food was spectacular, there was a live band where we all two-stepped to, and Andre our host brother came as well. This party was a great time, and afterwards we went home to check in with our host mom.

Side story, that Friday we finally moved into our new house, and the house was definitely different, but definitely an upgrade in terms of space. So we went back home to see if anyone needed any help. After this we went back out to meet our friends for a late night celebratory hangout in Bonn.

This weekend Shawn left for Prague and had to say bye to Andre which was really sad for me to watch, because I still had time to hangout with Andre. But we enjoyed the night and got some good sleep the next morning.

The next day was Maibaum, which is a really fun tradition the Rhineland participates in. How it works: if a guy has a girlfriend, the the guys and all his friends goes out on the night of the 1st of May and brings a giant tree to their girlfriends house. The mach die baum schön, make the tree beautiful, and set it up in front of the girlfriends house, and go back and continue staying up late having a good time. This year, however, was leap year and that means the roles are switched and the girl is supposed to bring the tree to the guys. But Andre and his friends still wanted to set the trees up anyways, and Andre brought me along with them.

We got to his friends house around 7:30 pm, and just hungout for a while. I got to meet all of Andre's closest friends who are such awesome guys, guys I really enjoyed hanging out with and were so welcoming of me. So around 8:30pm we took the first tree, and that was really fun while having great conversation. We went back to the house and hungout till about 1:00am, and then went out to walk 3 km in the rain to take the first tree, which was a great time actually! I carried the tree the whole way, with two other guys that were alternating, and everyone thought that I was the MAN!! Which was really fun hahah. However walking back 4km home in the rain was rather miserable.. it took us a long time and when we finally got home we were pretty upset. But a 4 am snacky really hit did us well and we all went to bed. The next morning we all met back up at Tuscolo, a DANG good pizza place. We all had a great lunch together and went back home.

This is when I had to say bye to Andre for the first time, but I saw him again the night I left for my post Europe travels. Saying bye I was confident I would see him again, however it is pretty sad I wouldn't see him again for a long while.

Looking back it was a fantastic last weekend for the last time in Bonn. The next day we had a fantastic day at the Rhine Cruise, and then went to an awesome Lumineers concert. It was the best way to end the semester with everyone, I am extremely content with it all. And now I am enjoying my post semester travels!

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