Monday, May 9, 2016



Just thought I'd post my favorite phrase of this city. I may act like a 4 year old most of the time, but that's because I am a four year old most the time.

Anyways, we woke up at a very nice hotel in Colmar, after a delicious dinner the night before. We were off to check out the Isenheim altar at the Unterlinden museum which was still in Colmar. The museum was gorgeous, full of medieval and renaissance paintings. I unfortunately, couldn't hear anything the tour guide was saying, but I could hear Wasser when he spoke. Thankfully, Wasser highlighted the important parts that we should know.

One thing I never understood is how the Isenheim altarpiece was ever considered medicinal. I mean it has no credible proof to it because there is no way that after praying anyone would get better afterwards for the diseases they were praying for. And what about the people that straight up died after praying, like how would that make any sense? Wouldn't these people realize that after their odds of living after praying to the altarpiece have not increased at all? But then again, probably not because I mean they didn't. So why not? Anyways, the museum was a great sight and we were off.

We were headed to Beaune which would only take another 4 and a half hour drive full of stops :D. Thankfully, I was able to sleep quite a bit.

The trip was well worth it though as we got to check out a medieval hospital. The place was surprisingly beautiful as it had just gotten restored thanks to millions of dollars from donors. The most incredible part of the tour was the tour through the medieval ICU complete with nun mannequins. That part was literally incredible as it is hard to believe that the nuns would take care of these people when chances are they could do more harm by making them bunk mates with another very ill person.

After the tour through the place, I swore I would come back, if it is just to buy one of those barrels of wine. Then we grabbed lunch! they didn't speak english at the restaurant, so it was full of funny faces and obscure hand gestures.

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