Monday, May 9, 2016

Czech yourself before you wreck yourself

So I went to Prague for the weekend following finals. This was expected to be a trip to blow off some steam from all of the studying, but it ended up building some up instead. This isn’t to say that I didn’t have fun because I did. Prague was a beautiful city and very interesting. There were just some hiccups along the way.

To start off we had trouble getting to the airport in Dusseldorf. We were missing two people for our 4:30 train to the airport. These two ended up taking a taxi for about 145 euro to make, so go them, but it scared everyone a little since we depended on one of them for our lodging that night. Nevertheless, we made it! We decided to take a little nap once we got there to make up for the lack of sleep we had from pulling an all nighter after finals to make it to the airport. After the nap we headed into the city! Great right? Nope. We couldn’t get tickets for the train. We tried. We didn’t all have coins (which were required for some reason) to get the tickets. So we tried to pay with cash in person and were rejected. We tried to go exchange cash and were rejected. With our resources exhausted and not knowing how to progress, we decided to just go for it and get on the train without a pass. Bad decision. We got stopped almost immediately and had our ID’s taken away from us and charged 800 Kroner each (about 40 euro). This we also didn’t all have to pay. When we tried to get help from the ticket inspectors in order to get valid tickets they did not want to help. It was the most frustrating thing ever. Then, when we got to the part of town we wanted to go to for lunch and being tourists we were turned away at the first restaurant we went to which was just shocking. The people there were just not servant minded and were rude to us. Other than this, the only bad thing that happened was that we slept the night away instead of going out by accident. This might have been a good thing since we were all sleep deprived, but again we needed to blow off some steam and going out would’ve helped that a little. Well that is all the bad. Now for the good…

The lunch and dinner we had was amazing! I had the best meal I think I have had all semester for dinner. It was just a goulash dish but it was so good. We also spent some time walking around the city, seeing a castle, cathedral, bridges and other things. The John Lennon wall was there too. A weird thing I did was getting my feet treated by setting them in a tank of fish that eat dead skin cells. This was a pretty cool and pretty weird experience. It worked though!

And that was Prague!

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