Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 9: Spring Break

I had to plan this spring break trip very last minute because like I mentioned in the previous blog, my previous plans had to be canceled.  However, we were able to plan everything out in time and I ended up going to Berlin, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam.  Before I go into what we did, I would like to thank the app MOOVIT for helping me navigate these cities.  First, we went to Berlin and aw many cool and exciting places. One of the most interesting places we visited was the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. In Berlin, we did so many things that I do not remember them all, but we had a very good time and I think it was my favorite city we visited on our trip. From Berlin, we took a FLIXIT bus to Copenhagen. This bus ride was about 9 hours long, but it was over night so by the time we got to Copenhagen it was morning and we were ready to start exploring. My favorite part about Copenhagen was that I got to meet up with an old friend from high school. She had come to the US to study abroad at my high school and that is how I had met her about four years ago. I had not spoken to her in four years, so it was nice to catch up and see what she had been up to the last couple years. After Copenhagen, we went to Amsterdam. However, that morning that we were supposed to fly to Amsterdam I woke up to an email saying we had to come back to the US before the next Tuesday because of the corona virus. I will explain more about the return in the next blog post. Anyways, my friend and I decided to finish out our spring break in Amsterdam before going back to the US Unfortunately, everything had shut down in Amsterdam, so we ended up just staying in the hotel room the whole time we were there. Lets just say this spring break will forever be remembered due to all the craziness that occurred.         

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