Friday, May 8, 2020

The End

Thy semester has now reached its end. As a sheep reaches the end of the fence, there are two options for me. I can continue to roam in my pre-defined pasture, or i can choose to not be a sheep and instead be a horse who jumps that constricting fence and makes his own path. I have learned plenty from this semester. I learned who I am, who I want to be and what I appreciate most. This semester was a whirlwind of turbulent changes. My ability to adapt and grow to the world has strengthened. I ended my classes almost to the point of expectations. However, with everything that happened over the last few months I will say that I am not disappointed. I miss everything about Germany. I miss the people, the cities, my classes, my professors, my friends and even my host mom. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I am still sad it had to end early. I want to thank Dr.Wasser specifically for creating such a beautiful study abroad experience for all of us, it wouldn’t have been the same with any other professor. I plan to return to Europe someday, and hopefully stay for  much longer than a couple months at a time. Summer 2k20 is here now and i’m ready to make it great. I already have a lot of plans for this summer, i want to check off as much as i can. I have summer classes as well, but just one(Ochem) so it should be a breeze. I think i am also going to try to learn a new language this summer. I have a basic foundation in spanish so i think I will try to become as fluent as possible. I also want to get back into piano. I used to play a lot as a kid, but I’ve kind of lost the heart to play. I miss playing an instrument and it’s a great skill to have! The world is great the world is round and as long as i’m around I will be the great the world needs. As a fish swims in a school through the vast ocean, it’s the one who ventures off and mutates legs to walk on shore that changed everything.

I am that fish

Signing off
Jack Gibbs

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