Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 6: Carnival

Carnival week was so much fun. If I remember correctly, I believe we had a few exams that week before the weekend festivities. This was a bummer, but the weekend made up for it. I remember I hadn’t planned on dressing up for carnival because I didn’t have any costumes and I did not want to buy anything, but a friend convinced me to get a blue wig. I bought the blue wig and a neon yellow feather boa at one of the shops in the marketplace. My host parents dressed up earlier that week to go to a carnival party. I remember during that whole week my host mom would play carnival songs after dinner and me and her would sit at the kitchen table just singing along and dancing to the songs. This would have to be one of my favorite memories that my host mom and I shared. During carnival weekend, me and my friends went out almost every night, except for Sunday because I was way to exhausted from the previous nights. I believe it was Saturday night that my host parents neighbor was having a party and I went over there with my host dad because unfortunately my host mom had been feeling ill. This was a very exciting experience because I got to meet all the neighbors, and everyone was very curious about me and asked a lot of questions. On the nights my friend and I went out, we met so many different people and even made some friends with a group of EMTS from Spain and Brazil. Overall, carnival was such a great experience and I will for sure be celebrating it back in the states.

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