Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Week 7: Berlin

This weekend we had the chance to travel to Berlin! We saw tons of cool landmarks like Brandenburg gate, the parliament building, a holocaust memorial site, and even the east art gallery which is graffiti spray painted on pieces of the Berlin Wall left up for display. Berlin was such a huge city it was mind-blowing! It was a very cool place to visit but too be honest this experience made me reflect on how I travel. Previously my mindset towards traveling was just walking around and seeing what the city had to offer rather than planning anything concrete to do. This worked in the past in previous travel locations but it can be a hit or miss situation and, in my opinion, I felt like it missed. Since Berlin was SO BIG I felt we often walked around a lot throughout the day without particularly doing anything special, and somewhat wasted our day that could have been spent actively doing more. I feel I barely scraped the iceburg of what Berlin has to offer and kind of regret not making the most of the travel experience I could of. In the future I will be more mindful of actually planning my trips.

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