Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Around the British Isles in 9 Days: Part 1

Spring Break is finally here! I’ve been planning this trip since the start of the semester but didn’t have everything booked until a few weeks beforehand. I’ve wanted to visit the UK and Ireland for years now and planned to make my dreams a reality this semester when we had 9 days for travel during spring break. But as the time came closer, I realized how much I enjoyed spending time with everyone else on trips and if I were to go to the UK, it’d be a mainly solo trip. I hadn’t been on any solo trips and was invited to live it up Mama Mia style in Greece for a girl’s trip so I almost didn’t go. In the end, I booked everything for the UK and was very excited to see as much of my dream destination as I possibly could in a week.

I started in London with Joshua where we got to see museums and historical landmarks. Big Ben was under construction but the museums were amazing as well as the park. Just walking around the city was enjoyable. The food was amazing, except for fish and chips. We even visited the old Texas embassy, or at least where it used to be. Whoop! On my last day in London (Monday) I went on an expensive day trip but it was worth it because I visited my favorite city in Europe. I started at Windsor Castle and learned about the monarchy. The type of flag they flew that day meant the Queen was in! I didn’t get to meet her but it was cool knowing she was nearby. After that we went to Stonehenge, which was full of mystery. It’s crazy to think about going to places that you constantly see on postcards. Lastly, we went to Bath. Roman ruins are one of my favorite things, as well as taking baths, along with British speakers! I had such a good time but it was way too short. I did get to tour the baths and tried the best fudge I’ve eaten. I left my heart in Bath!

After spending way more than necessary on public transport in London, I headed to Oxford. My mom studied abroad in Oxford back in the 90s and my dad tagged along, working in bars and playing basketball for the school. I’ve always loved hearing their stories from then like how they were so poor my mom sewed up socks to help pay rent. At first, I was having a hard time. My hostel didn’t have warm water so I didn’t shower and then got poured on for the first time since being in the UK. But once two of my other friends, Josh and Sid, came it got a lot better. The sky cleared up and we got a discounted tour. Going to Oxford gave me the opportunity to go to places they frequented and I even got to go to the bar where they have their wedding reception! Unfortunately the bar my dad worked at wasn't around anymore. I loved Oxford and the opportunity it gave me to talk with my parents and hear more stories from the BC era (before children). Oxford ended up being one of my favorite cities I visited.

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