Sunday, March 17, 2019

Spring Break Reflection

Spring break was very relaxing. Such a well needed trip. I went to London with Sid for 6 days, and it was quite the experience. It seemed to go by slowly, and yet fast all at the same time. It began with a small trip to Westminster Abbey and Big Ben. It was night by the time we ascended from the underground station. Lights lit up the whole city and I was amazed by how fast everything seemed to be moving. Much like the river Thames the people moved through the city in a swift, unregulated, and turgid motion. It was interesting because no one seemed to walk in any sort of order. Although they drive on the left side of the rode, the sidewalks are completely free game. I suspect it’s because tourists disturb the natural flow for them. However, I even noticed people who were from the UK walking in all kinds of crazy patterns. I never figured it out and just accepted the quick and random hustle and bustle. The sights in London were amazing to say the least, there’s too much to say about all the monuments and buildings. I found most of my interest in the culture of the people. How they lived their life. After all, you can’t learn a whole lot from a piece of stone. So I observed life in London. It’s a beast roaming around on account of its own free will. Although it seemed controlled. Not like a madhouse. I’ve been to NYC before, and the life there seemed overwhelming and bursting with energy. London was similar, though not overwhelming. Still full of life and brilliance, but it seemed like there was a purpose and reason for everything. Although there were no classes this week, I learned a lot about myself and life in general. I learned that I am capable of handling a big city. Not letting it phase me or overpower me. I also learned to accept some of my problems and move past them. I sometimes allow my problems to consume me and push me around. But something about London made me realize that I’m better than that. My problems are not going to boss me around. I guess London gave me a sort of confidence about myself. Beyond me, I learned a little more about human behavior. That’s something I always study. Every chance I get, I want to see what makes everyone related to one another. There’s not one particular thing to point out that I learned, but I learned for sure. I think I have a better understanding of people. With every city and country I visit, I come one more step closer to understanding people. That is something I value, and it’s probably the best thing about this whole study abroad.

There were plenty of sights to see, but I find less value and importance in speaking about how cool things looked. It's more important to understand the people in whatever country and city you're in. I had a great time in London, but I learned more about people and about myself during that time.

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