Sunday, March 10, 2019

Pre Spring Break

I'm writing this on Sunday, so I've officially been on spring break for like 2 days, and I can't wait for the upcoming week. My family is coming in tomorrow, and we're going to Munich to see the Neuschwanstein castle, and then going to Prague for a bit. So not only am I getting to see meine Familie, but I get to cross off two major places that I was wanting to visit. It's been hell planning it though, because we neglected to look at traveling or lodging until pretty much today. Outside of that, I'm thrilled to show them Bonn and Europe in general. It's my sister's first time, mom's first time since she left as a 5 year old, and my dad's first time in probably 10 years. But speaking of showing people Bonn, one of my closest friends from back in Texas, who is studying in Italy this semester, came to visit this past weekend. It was great seeing one of my long-time friends in Europe, and we hit all the main activities in Bonn like hiking Drachenfels, buying too much Haribo, and eating falafel three days in a row. Another thing we did was hang out at spiel cafe with Josh and Sid, and play cards for hours. It was simple and relaxing, and The Voyager was like a nerd's dream come true. My dream come true.

We're basically halfway through the semester at this point, and it went terrifyingly fast. I have photo proof that I've done incredible things this semester, but it doesn't feel like it, and I think maybe because everything is pretty nonstop. In the summer when I get to relax and think back on this trip, I'm sure I'll be able to properly appreciate it. For now, I hope school doesn't consume me to the point where I can't truly enjoy it. That hasn't been a problem yet, but I've also been trying to coast a little bit. My first test grades reflect that and as much as I'd hate to do it, I should probably put even more time into school. This past week was a pretty normal week workload wise, so pretty heavy but manageable. Mostly though, I was focused on making it to Friday. But spring break is here, and all that matters now is forgetting about school and enjoying where I am.

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