Sunday, March 17, 2019

week 7: Tests and Karneval/Long Weekend

Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days.

Wednesday = never ending

I woke up early to study for my physiology test. #stressed. Luckily, class didn't start until almost midday. After that, I had classes back-to-back until my 5 PM exam. Although I expected the test to be hard, the questions were different than what I thought they would be. After my test, I had genetics class until 9 PM. I couldn't help but let out a big sigh once I stepped into my house around 10 PM.

Thursday: Karneval Parade!

This year was the first year AIB participated in a Karneval parade. It was really funny seeing everyone wear wigs, especially the guys! We all looked great. 😎

Adrianna, me, and Jessica

During the parade, we passed out candy to people yelling kamelle! It was awesome being able to participate in the parade. I enjoyed listening to Karneval music and seeing everyone dressed up in costumes. :) After the parade, Jessica and I went to Tacos (a "Mexican" restaurant, quotes because its authenticity is questionable hehe; still yummy though!) Afterwards, we went to Deiters to shop for costumes to wear to other parades this weekend. Because I couldn't find one, I decided that I would ask my host mom if she had a costume I could borrow. In addition, I decided to venture into the accessories and make-up aisle. I found blue glitter and a blue headpiece with googly eyes -- I decided I would be creative. 😊

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was glued to my desk. I had so much homework and studying to do for an upcoming genetics test on Wednesday.

Monday: Rosenmontag (Rose Monday)

While a lot of people went to the million-person parade (literally) in Cologne, I decided it would be best if I didn't go (boo) -- I had to study for my test on Wednesday. However, I did go to the parade in Bonn with Lindsey. :) Luckily, my host mom had a costume that was perfect for the stuff I bought at Deiters! Theme = under the sea. 🐟🐳 I wore glitter, my headpiece, a blue skirt, and fish scale printed leggings. I caught a lot of kamelle and had so much fun!

I loved having a long weekend and enjoyed being able to experience Karneval in the Rhineland! πŸ’œ

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