Thursday, March 7, 2019

Uniklinik & Fashion

My week started by getting some points back on the first Genetics exam, bringing me up to an A!!  On a core science test! I'm very proud of myself, and that much closer to reaching my academic goals that I set for the semester! Also this week, the library FINALLY sent me Rosetta Stone, after 2 months, just in time for the German final exam. Yeah, a final in mid-February. But I'm glad to have one less class now, even though it means the others are going to be picking up quite a bit. I'm excited to get more in depth into the Enmodes project!

I tried another gym, where I almost lost my glasses... but I didn't! So that was a small scare, but thank goodness I can still see. 

We got to shadow at the Uniklinik in the surgery departments. It was pretty cool for the most part, except that we didn't really get a lot of information about the logistics of it, so I ended up getting kicked out of the 4th surgery for confidentiality reasons. The first three were pretty cool; I alternated between urology and orthopedics, so that was a cool new side to medicine that I haven't experienced yet. Then, after leaving that second ortho surgery, one of my classmates took me to a cardio surgery where they were a lot more welcoming (and informed about the shadow program we had set up). Open heart surgery was definitely the coolest thing I saw! Right when I arrived, they had reached the manufactured 15-20 year old aortic valve that was being replaced. I saw the heart, the old valve removed, and the new valve inserted. It. Was. Amazing. So, thanks Mr. Ortho Doc for so graciously asking me to leave your femur fracture.

The weekend was packed full of fun in Milan for Fashion Week! I went to a market where I bought my new favorite earrings: beautiful little opals! I saw the Duomo, some museums, some shops, lots of fashion, and Lake Como! All of the food was delicious, as expected. At one restaurant, called Oscar's, I had homemade, Italian, authentic, gnocchi... covered in Oscar sauce! That's when I decided that one my life goals is to become such a good cook that I have my own secret and delicious sauce.

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