Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This whole "STRIKE!" thing......

     So, apparently to emphasize the gravity of the impending negotiations, all SWB (Stadtwerke Bonn) modes of transportation were not in operation today, as the drivers were on strike! I think this was manageable for all of us, since we all made it to class, but the special transportation arrangements I would not want to do every day. I made it to class on time because my host dad graciously offered to drive me, and even had time for a decent breakfast while I waited for the AIB to open, but I'd prefer to be able to sleep another hour most days. There was definitely a different atmosphere in the city today because of the lack of public transport, and I think the protesting bus- and tram-drivers have made their point: the city may tend to take them for granted.
     Thankfully the only ramifications for me today were an hour's sleep lost and a 10 Euro taxi ride, but I hope that everything gets back on track tomorrow! This evening was fairly disheartening, since Katie and I decided that since we had already stayed late at the AIB, we would wait out the rest of the evening until the night buses started at 12:30, because they were slated to run, according to the Bonn Bus and Tram website. We arrived at the bus stop fifteen minutes early and waited.......and waited......and waited.......and the time passed. The night buses were all listed on the electronic board with their times of arrival, but they never showed. After this disappointment, we went to the Hauptbahnhof to catch a taxi back home.

     I never thought I'd grow so attached to a city bus!

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