Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bike Tour to Remagen

Yesterday we took a little bike trip to Remagen. Remagen is South of Bonn about 22 kilometers. It was the first time since Junior High that I have been on a bike. Honestly, though, it was a blast! I forgot how much fun it is to ride a bike! On top of that, the views were beautiful. We stopped a little over half-way to have a little picnic. After we started up again the group started to spread out. Those of us at the front stopped at a little playground to wait on everyone else. Letting out our inner-child, we all played on the playground for a little while till everyone caught up. Apparently, while we were waiting, Candy's bike chain came off the bike. Luckily, we got it fixed and were able to get all the way to Remagen. Once there, we had a delicious Italian lunch. I ordered Spaghetti Frutti di Mare, a Spaghetti dish with a tomato sauce and various seafood (mostly shrimp and squid in this case). After lunch we went to what is left of the bridge across the Rhein. On the Remagen side of the Rhein, the towers left from the bridge have been turned into a Peace Museum. We got a guided tour from the Mayor of Remagen (who is one of the sweetest old men I've ever seen). In one part of the Museum they had an old bomb with all of the explosive parts removed. I was still a little weary seeing the Mayor start slapping the sides to make "peace music" with what used to create war. Further in the museum they have a room dedicated to all of the wars that have occurred since World War II. Once I realized what each of the plaques represented I was astounded. There were so many plaques, and I had no idea that there had been so many wars still in the 20th Century. It really got me thinking about the world outside of Europe and The United States..

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