Sunday, March 4, 2012

Things are Looking Good

 I realize that recent posts have been on a life-is-now-depressing-because-of-school-mood (sorry engineers), but for the Biomedical Science students, things are looking up! Besides the tests this week, here are a few things that I am currently excited for.

Since we now don't have as many classes every day, I can actually have time to start running! With the marathon being less than 2 months away, I'm in desperate need of training. Also, since I have now discovered these wonderful trails right in front of my house (literally), I have no excuse. Ever since I got here to Germany I noticed there were some sort of trails starting right across my house and I have been tempted to check them out ever since. Cameron, Yesenia and I finally got to go and realized their amazing! The hills are horrible, but really good for training and the views of the city that you get are wonderful and rewarding. At least for a cross-country running, nature-freak like me they are, so if you're ever in Bonn and wanting to run outside, head up to Venusberg.

Another thing I want to pick up on is practicing German. We've already been here for two months and I still can't hold even the simplest of conversations. I can understand better, yes, but not as much as I would like to. Hopefully this will improve in the next months to come.

Finally, I am extremely excited that next week is Spring Break! Yes! I know I'm not the only one counting down the days for that. We're heading to Italy on Friday and this will be life-changing. Definitely something I've been wanting to check off the bucket-list for a long time. This explains the Italy pictures scattered around my post. They're not random, but the cities we will be visiting in order: Rome, Florence, and Venice. Also, before we head on the Italy adventures, another one of my countdowns finishes at last. My boyfriend, Edgar, gets here on Wednesday and will join us for Spring Break. You know it can't get any better than that.


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