Luckily, the birthday celebrations didn't go too late, and this morning I was able to cope with the time change and make it out to church for the first time since coming to Germany. I really enjoy my Sunday mornings and church friends back home in Arlington and College Station, but I hadn't really worked out everything to go here. Plus, between Spring Break and weekend trips, there were a lot of times it just hasn't been possible. Thanks to a little encouragement and public-transit support from Joanna and I made it! We both went to the American Protestant Church in Bad Godesburg, and it was really interesting. The congregation was from people all over the world, and it was neat to see how despite being in Germany, everyone was drawn to this church through a different common language--just a fun glimpse of unity in such a foreign place. That's all for this weekend. This coming week should be a bit of relief from the schoolwork, with fewer classes than we've been seeing of late. So, with that final note, here's to catching a much-needed breath amidst other course craziness. Tchüss!
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