So, it being the first week back following Spring Break has not made this the most enjoyable week by comparison, but there was definitely still some fun to be had. The most noteworthy event of the week, on Thursday, was being able to get a tour of the Anesthesia Museum with a massive display of equipment and associated apparatus throughout the past decades following the effective development of anesthesia. The great part is, our tour guide was perhaps even more impressive than his collection. If given enough time, Horst Stoeckel--who founded the museum and donated his private collection to its care--would have been able to provide background information and details on each of the thousands of pieces in the collection. I especially enjoyed learning about the various plants and their chemical derivatives that have anesthesia-similar effects. To be honest, there were some parts of the tour that I found really hard to pay attention to, but considering the overall experience, it was an incredible opportunity.
The next day, however, started off on a more depressing note. I realize that at this point, it has been thoroughly established that the workload of some of

So yeah, from world-renowned icons of anesthesiology to little doses of American pop culture, this week has had it all. Tchüss--
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