Tomorrow spring break begins! It's so exciting!!! But before that last night was it? No...two nights ago! Anways Mrs. Arteaga told me she got an email saying that there was going to be a strike and that I would have to ride my bike to the AIB. She offered to give me a ride but I preferred to sleep in a bit and not make her go out of her way to take me to class. She asked repeatedly if I knew my way and that the rules for riding a bike were like those for driving a car. I told her if it came down to it I could walk but at her insistence I ended up with the bike. Looking out the window everyday on my way to class I've memorized the route and stops the tram takes and that 62 is easier to follow than 66 since it stays above ground after Ramersdorf. Following the tracks was easy enough and I thought there would be a path adjacent the whole

time. After crossing the tracks at Kudinghoven I planned on following the tracks until I saw it was a dead end. No more path. I was forced to enter the residential area of an area I've never been in before and a few times I made the wrong turn just to back track and choose another way. After finding the next stop at Limperich it was easy getting to the AIB. The way back went by almost flawlessly except that I wanted to turn left but there was a car turning right and a car behind me so I just continued straight. I ended up at Rewe and got a water but on the way inside this lady tied her dog up outside while she went in. It was the cutest dog ever! I would whistle and make noises to catch its attention and just play with it for a minute or two. After that I made my way home and woke up to the pleasant news this morning that the trams were working again.
Last night on my way downstairs after everyone had slept I saw a weird shape on the stairs. At home I'm used to immediately thinking it's a scorpion or something I would clearly want to avoid. Upon seeing this shape I immediately thought it was a scorpion until I realized where I was. Closer inspection revealed the so called scorpion to be a piece of string.
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