The weather should stay like this. It feels perfect outside.
Yesterday, Mrs. Arteaga made a reservation for the 4 of us to go out to eat dinner to celebrate her youngest daughter's 12th birthday! We went to this Peruvian restaurant and as soon as we walked in they began speaking to us in Spanish, sat us down and gave us the menus. When our food came out she asked whether the salsa was spicy and he told us it wasn't spicy for him at all but it could be for someone else. I began to eat my food (which was simply awesome) and took some of the salsa as well. The small taste I had didn't seem like much so I got a larger portion. Still not spicy. This time I pretty much put 3 spoonfuls on my food and decided at that point that it wasn't spicy. We left to go to this Greek restaurant for dessert. Mrs. Arteaga began to explain something which sounded like baklava to me until she mentioned smooth layers and cream and at that point any understanding I had went right down the drain. Whatever I ate with the whipped cream, chocolate and ice cream was super good. Overall, it's been a pretty good first week back.
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